MCQ - Analytical

Analytical Sample Question Papers

A) In questions such as below, identify the two statements necessary to make the conclusion in the beginning of the question true.

1. Seema is playing hockey.
a) Seema is in the hockey team during the summer.
b) Seema is in the playground.
c) Hockey is played in the playground in summer.
d) All the pupils in the playground are playing hockey.

1 a & b 2 b & d 3 c & d 4 d & a

2. Ramesh runs faster than Bobby.
a) Sumit is the champion runner
b) Ramesh can run further than Sumit
c) Ramesh can run as fast as Sumit
d) Sumit can run faster than Bobby

1 a & b 2 b & d 3 c & d 4 b & c

3. Fifty candidates sat for the examination.

a) Twenty candidates answered under half the questions
b) There were ten failures in the examination
c) Over half the questions were answered by thirty candidates
d) Forty candidates were successful.

1 a & b 2 b & d 3 a & c 4 c & d

4. Romsha, Shweta, Amina & Lily sit in this order in a row left to right. Romsha changes places with Amina and then Amina changes places with Shweta. Whos is at the right end of the row?

1 Romsha 2 Shweta 3 Amina 4 Lily

5. In the above question who is to the left of Amina?

1 Romsha 2 Shweta 3 Lily

6. Five cars has a race. The Honda beat the Rover but couldn't overtake the Astra. The Renault failed to overtake the Granada but beat the Astra. Which car came last?

1 Honda 2 Rover 3 Astra 4 Renault 5 Granada

7. In the above question which car came third?

1 Honda 2 Rover 3 Astra 4 Renault 5 Granada

8. Jane can play the piano but not the flute while Jeremy plays the violin and the flute. Shelly plays the violin but not the piano and Josephine plays the flute but not the violin. If each child plays two of the three instruments, which one is likely to be similar to Jeremy?

1 Shelley 2 Jane 3 Josephine

9. A man drove from Appleby to Trytown. Shortly after passing through Ester he stopped for coffee at Broughton which was the halfway point on his journey. Which is the longest distance?

1 Appleby to Ester
2 Ester to Trytown
3 Broughton to Trytown
4 Ester to Broughton

Passage Based Questions:

A particular seafood restaurant serves dinner Tuesday through Sunday. The restaurant is closed on Monday. Five entries—Pizza, Pasta, lobster, Indian Meal, and tuna—are served each week according to the following restrictions:

• Pasta is served on three days each week, but never on Friday.
• Lobster is served on one day each week.
• Indian Meal is served on three days each week, but never on consecutive days.
• Pasta and Pizza are both served on Saturday and Sunday.
• Tuna is served five days each week.
• No more than three different entries are served on any given day.

1. On which of the following pairs of days could the restaurant's menu of entries be identical?

(A) Friday and Sunday
(B) Tuesday and Wednesday
(C) Saturday and Sunday
(D) Wednesday and Friday
(E) Thursday and Friday

2. Which of the following is a complete and accurate list of the days on which Pasta and lobster may both be served?

(A) Tuesday, Thursday
(B) Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
(C) Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
(D) Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
(E) Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday

3. If Indian Meal is served on Saturday, it could be true that

(A) Pizza and Indian Meal are both served on Sunday
(B) Pizza and Pasta are both served on Tuesday
(C) lobster and Pasta are both served on Thursday
(D) tuna and Pizza are both served on Saturday
(E) lobster and Pizza are both served on Friday

4. Which of the following statements provides sufficient information to determine on which three days Pasta is served?

(A) Indian Meal and lobster are served on the same day.
(B) Lobster and Pizza are both served on Tuesday.
(C) Tuna is served on Saturday, and lobster is served on Tuesday.
(D) Indian Meal is served on Saturday, and Pizza is served on all but one of the six days.
(E) Tuna is served on Sunday, and Pizza is served on Tuesday and Thursday.

Passage Based Questions:

Eight dogs in an obedience class are learning to follow two commands—"heel" and "stay." Each dog is either a shepherd, a retriever, or a terrier, and each of these three breeds is represented at least once among the group. All female dogs in the group are retrievers. The results of the first lesson are as follows:

• At least two of the dogs have learned to follow the "heel" command, but not the "stay" command.
• At least two of the dogs have learned to follow the "stay" command, but not the "heel" command.
• At least one of the dogs has learned to follow both commands.
• Among the eight dogs, only terriers have learned to follow the "stay" command.

1. Which of the following statements CANNOT be true?

(A) The group includes more females than males.
(B) The group includes fewer terriers than shepherds.
(C) The group includes more shepherds than retrievers.
(D) More of the dogs have learned to stay than to heel.
(E) More of the dogs have learned to heel than to stay.

2. If each dog has learned to follow at least one of the two commands, all of the following must true EXCEPT:

(A) All retrievers have learned to heel.
(B) All shepherds have learned to heel.
(C) All terriers have learned to stay.
(D) No retriever has learned to stay.
(E) No shepherd has learned to stay.

3. If four of the dogs are male and four of the dogs are female, all of the following must be true EXCEPT:

(A) One of the dogs is a shepherd.
(B) Four of the dogs are retrievers.
(C) Three of the dogs are terriers.
(D) Three of the dogs have learned to stay.
(E) Four of the dogs have learned to heel.

4. If the group includes more shepherds than terriers, the minimum number of male dogs among the group that have learned to heel is

(A) 0
(B) 1
(C) 2
(D) 3
(E) 4

Logical Reasoning

1. People should be held accountable for their own behavior, and if holding people accountable for their own behavior entails capital punishment, then so be it. However, no person should be held accountable for behavior over which he or she had no control. Which of the following is the most logical conclusion of the argument above?

(A) People should not be held accountable for the behavior of other people.
(B) People have control over their own behavior.
(C) People cannot control the behavior of other people.
(D) Behavior that cannot be controlled should not be punished.
(E) People have control over behavior that is subject to capital punishment.

2. Beautiful beaches attract people, no doubt about it. Just look at this city's beautiful beaches, which are among the most overcrowded beaches in the country.

Which of the following exhibits a pattern of reasoning most similar to the one exhibited in the argument above?

(A) Moose and bear usually appear at the same drinking hole at the same time of day. Therefore, moose and bear must grow thirsty at about the same time.
(B) Children who are scolded severely tend to misbehave more often than other children. Hence if a child is not scolded severely that child is less likely to misbehave.
(C) This software program helps increase the work efficiency of its users. As a result, these users have more free time for other activities.
(D) During warm weather my dog suffers from fleas more so than during cooler weather.
Therefore, fleas must thrive in a warm environment.
(E) Pesticides are known to cause anemia in some people. However, most anemic people live in regions where pesticides are not commonly used.

3. The school district should not spend its money on the new Verbal Advantage reading program. After all, students get all the reading practice they need by studying history and science. The argument above depends on which the following assumptions?

(A) The Verbal Advantage program would not help the students learn history and science.
(B) Other reading programs are just as effective but less expensive than the Verbal Advantage program.
(C) The Verbal Advantage program involves only reading practice.
(D) Teaching students history and science is more important than teaching them reading skills.
(E) The students can already read well enough to study history and science.

4. Newspaper publishers earn their profits primarily from advertising revenue, and potential advertisers are more likely to advertise in newspapers with a wide circulation—a large number of subscribers and other readers—than with other newspapers. But the circulation of the newspaper that is currently the most profitable one in this city has steadily declined during the last two years, while the circulation of one of its competitors has steadily increased. Any of the following, if true, would help explain the apparent discrepancy between the two statements above EXCEPT:

(A) Advertisers generally switch from the most widely circulated newspaper to another one only when the other one becomes the most widely circulated newspaper instead.
(B) Advertising rates charged by the most profitable newspaper in the city are significantly higher than those charged by its competitors.
(C) The most profitable newspaper in the city receives revenue from its subscribers as well from advertisers.
(D) The circulation of the most profitable newspaper in the city is still greater than than of any of its competitors.
(E) The number of newspapers competing viably with the most profitable newspaper in the city has increased during the last two years.


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