Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences University
Address: A/P: Loni-413736 Tal:Rahata
Dist:Ahmednagar Maharashtra State (India)
Phone Number: +91-2422-273600, 273486 Fax: +91-2422-273442
Seventeenth Convocation
Applications in the prescribed form are invited from eligible candidates who have successfully undergone prescribed course of studies and passed the final year Degree / Diploma Examinations of the Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences (Deemed University) Loni. Tal-Rahata, Dist Ahmcdnagar, for award of respective Degree/Diploma.
The application forms are available in the constituent colleges and university office at Loni and form can also he downloaded from University Website
A duly completed application form along with prescribed fee of Rs. 5000/- (Rs. Five thousand only) paid by Demand Draft drawn on Central Bank of India (P.M.T. Branch Loni Code — 3278) or State Bank of India (Code- 6322) Loni Branch in favour of Registrar PIMS (DU) payable at Loni 413736, will be accepted up to 15th January 2013 along with fee receipt.
For more details, visit:
Address: A/P: Loni-413736 Tal:Rahata
Dist:Ahmednagar Maharashtra State (India)
Phone Number: +91-2422-273600, 273486 Fax: +91-2422-273442
Seventeenth Convocation
Applications in the prescribed form are invited from eligible candidates who have successfully undergone prescribed course of studies and passed the final year Degree / Diploma Examinations of the Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences (Deemed University) Loni. Tal-Rahata, Dist Ahmcdnagar, for award of respective Degree/Diploma.
The application forms are available in the constituent colleges and university office at Loni and form can also he downloaded from University Website
A duly completed application form along with prescribed fee of Rs. 5000/- (Rs. Five thousand only) paid by Demand Draft drawn on Central Bank of India (P.M.T. Branch Loni Code — 3278) or State Bank of India (Code- 6322) Loni Branch in favour of Registrar PIMS (DU) payable at Loni 413736, will be accepted up to 15th January 2013 along with fee receipt.
For more details, visit: