B.Tech. Civil (Construction Management)
Term-End Examination

December, 2005


Time: 3 hours
Maximum Marks: 70

Note : Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1. Answer any two of the following : (2x5=10)

(a) What do you understand by initial setting time and final setting time of cement ? How does the krowledge of these two times help an engineer in construction work ? Explain in detail.
(b) What are the factors on which surface texture of aggregate depends ? Discuss the relation between texture and strength.
(c) What are the factors governing the use of maximum size of aggregate in Reinforced concrete ? Explain.

2. Answer any of the following : (2x5=10)

(a) How does the presence of sugar and oil in water affect the concrete ?
(b) What are the required properties of a grouting admixture ? How are these properties enhanced ?
(c) Discuss various factors influencing the strength of concrete. Give remedial measures wherever necessary.

3. Answer any two of the following : (2x5=10)

(a) What is creep ? Discuss its importance in concrete structures. What are the factors affecting creep ?
(b) Enlist the tests which are commonly employed to measure the workability of concrete. Describe any one of these.
(c) Why is curing necessary? Describe in brief various methods of curing.

4. Answer any two of the following : (2x5=10)

(a) What is ready mix-concrete? Explain advantages of its use.
(b) How is the progressive change in the strength of concrete specimen determined by the Resonant Frequency method ?
(c) What is the difference between 'shotcreting' and 'guniting ? Also discuss their applications.

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