BCA 1st Year

Time Allowed: Three Hours Maximum Marks:100

Note:Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1. (a) Differentiate between the following:

(1) Compiler and Assembler

(2) Bit and Byte

(3) Application software and System Software

(4) Hardware and Software (10)

(b) Compare the second and third generation of computers.(5)

(c) Explain the working of magnetic disc drive.(5)

2. (a) Differentiate between the following:

(1) File and Dictionary

(2) Internal and External DOS commands (8)

(b) Explain the functions of following DOS commands:





(5) DATE

(6) COPY CON (12)

3 (a) Explain the purpose of autoexe.bat and config.sys files in DOS. (6)

(b) Explain the important features available in a screen editor. (10)

(c) What is the use of recycle in windows? (4)

4.(a) Define OLE. Where is OLE used in windows? (5)

(b) Discuss the various text formatting features available in Write / wordpad (7)

(c) Differentiate between DOS and Windows. (12)

5. (a) What is the difference between Template and wizard? (5)

(b) What are the advantages of using the following in a word processing package

(1) Mail- Merge

(2) Spell checking (10)

(c) How Header and Footer can be added in a document in a MS-Word? (5)

6. (a) What type of information can be stored into a worksheet ? (6)

(b) What is range? Explain its advantage by giving an appropriate example. (5)

(c) What are the different formatting features that can be applied on worksheet? (9)

7. (a) Discuss the application areas of the following software: (10)

(1) Har Vard Graphics.

(2) Coral Draw.

(b) How can you protect your computer system against viruses? How a computer

virus can be classified? (10)

8. (a) What is DTP? What are its uses? (6)

(b) Discuss the various views available in Power Point. (8)

(c) What is the purpose of using Nortan Utilities? (6)

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